Enhanced expression of mitochondrial genes in xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblast strains from various complementation groups

CDNA libraries constructed from cytoplasmic RNA of normal and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblast strains were screened for differential gene expression. XP fibroblast strains included one representative of the complementation groups A, C, D, and one XP variant strain. The XP λgt10 cDNA libraries were differentially screened with in vitro transcripts made from cDNA in the pBluescript vector using both the same XP strain and the normal fibroblast strain. Eight differential clones were detected in the libraries of the XP group A, D, and C strains, which caused stronger signals when probed with transcripts from XP strains than with those from the normal strain. The cDNA clones were sequenced. Seven of the eight clones detected coded for three mitochondrial genes: subunit I of cytochromec oxidase (complex IV of the respiratory chain), apocytochromeb (subunit of complex III), and 16-S rRNA. Two clones representing essentially (a) subunit I of cytochromec oxidase and (b) 16-S rRNA diverged from the sequence of the human mitochondrial genome present in the data-base libraries. Clone a exhibited a transition mutation, clone b reflected a transcript of a mitochondrial genome rearranged in the 16-S rRNA gene, including four nucleotides of the adjacent tRNALeu gene. The apparently enhanced expression of mitochondrial genes in XP cells, together with the changes in DNA sequence, seem to indicate that functions of the ATP-generating system were impaired. This defect may have originated from mutations due to lack of DNA repair. The data can be interpreted in the light of mitochondrial changes that cause human neuromyopathies to occur. In analogy to these diseases the neurological symptoms in XP might be explained by abnormal mitochondria.