Immunological Studies of Amination Deficient Strains of Neurospora crassa

A survey has been made of the immunological relationships between glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and the related proteins of the amination-deficient (am) mutants of Neurospora crassa. Serum against GDH was prepared in rabbits which had been injected with crude extracts of wild-type N. crassa. The effect of this serum on the activity of normal GDH and the activity of activated mutant proteins was studied. The techniques of double diffusion in agar gel and of immunoelectrophoresis were used to study the relationships between the wild-type GDH and mutant forms of the protein. The identification of the relevant precipitation line on these gel plates was confirmed by the use of a specific stain for the enzyme-antibody complex. The relationship between the antigenic and enzymatic sites in the wild-type protein is discussed.