Metriflufen {2-[4-(4-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenoxy] propanoic acid} was applied as the methyl ester at 0.28 and 0.56 kg/ha over-the-top to johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] growing from rhizomes and to soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Lee 68′]. After herbicide treatment, plants were grown in the growth chamber for 14 days at 16, 24, or 32 C with relative humidity (RH) at 40 or 100% at each air temperature. Johnsongrass was not controlled at 16 C regardless of metriflufen rate, RH, or the addition of nonoxynol [α-(p-nonylphenyl)-ω-hydroxypoly (oxyethylene)] (with 9.5 moles of polyoxyethylene) surfactant at 0.25 (g/100 ml) to spray solutions. Johnsongrass control at 24 C varied from 5 to 98%, with significantly better control at 100% than at 40% RH. The presence of surfactant increased johnsongrass control at 24 C and 40% RH but not at 24 C and 100% RH. Johnsongrass control at 32 C varied from 48 to 98%, and it was not increased by the presence of the surfactant, regardless of metriflufen rate or RH level. At 16 C metriflufen was more injurious to soybeans than to johnsongrass, but at 24 and 32 C johnsongrass control was significantly greater than soybean injury. The presence of surfactant in spray solutions generally did not increase soybean injury, regardless of temperature or RH level. These results suggest that metriflufen is most selective in controlling johnsongrass in soybeans at 24 C, especially under high RH.