Emission spectra of Cs-He excimers in cold helium gas

We observed broadband emission spectra of Cs-He excimers (Cs*He) in cold He gas (1.3100K), when Cs atoms were excited to the 62P states. We calculated the emission spectrum from each vibrational state of Cs*He using Pascale’s semiempirical Cs-He potential energy curves [J. Pascale, Phys. Rev. A 28, 632 (1983)], and compared the results with the observed spectra. From the measured spectral shape, we estimated the relative populations of the vibrational states of Cs*He at various He gas densities, and estimated the predissociation rate of Cs*He in the A2Π1/2 state. Moreover, a broadband emission spectrum of Cs*He2 was also observed, which was compared with that observed in liquid He.