Subsidiary minimum principles for scattering parameters

We denote as a "primary minimum principle" one in which a quantity B of physical interest is represented as the minimum value with respect to variations in a trial function ψt of a functional F(ψt); F then provides a variational upper bound on B. (The Rayleigh-Ritz principle for the ground-state energy of a system is a familiar example.) If F is quadratic in ψt, the variational property of F enables one to determine the linear parameters relatively easily, but the minimum property is required if the nonlinear parameters are to be determined in a way which allows for systematic improvement of ψt. We show here that for a wide class of problems for which primary minimum principles do not exist, useful and rigorous secondary or "subsidiary minimum principles" are available. That is, we construct a functional F(ψt) whose minimum value is reached for ψt equal to some function ψ of dynamical interest. (The Rayleigh-Ritz method provides a subsidiary minimum principle for the approximate determination of the ground-state wave function of a system.) If B=B(ψ), then a study of F(ψt) provides a powerful tool for the estimation of ψ and therefore B, though B(ψt) is not normally a variational bound on B(ψ). Subsidiary minimum principles have recently been obtained for the approximation of the auxiliary functions that appear in the variational principle for the matrix element (χn, Wχm), where χn and χm are bound-state wave functions and W is an arbitrary operator. Here we extend the method to the estimation of matrix elements of the Green's function g(ε) of a bound system with ε below the continuum threshold energy. The response of the system to an external perturbation can be represented by matrix elements of this type. While no new results on the bound-state problem are obtained, our formulation is a convenient starting point for the further extension of the method to continuum problems. The new result obtained here is the derivation of a subsidiary minimum principle for the problem of scattering of a projectile by a target whose bound-state wave function is only imprecisely known. The subsidiary minimum principle allows for systematic improvement of the closed-channel component of the trial scattering wave function that appears in a Kohn-type variational calculation of the scattering amplitude.