Development of a U.S. Employment Service Interest Inventory

Research was conducted to develop an interest inventory corresponding to the interest areas in Volume II of the fourth edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. An inventory of 307 occupational activity items was developed and administered to a sample of 1,115 individuals in a selected number of states. The results were analyzed first to determine if it were possible to develop scales measuring the current 10 interest factors in Volume II of the third edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1965). This approach proved to be unsuccessful. A factor analysis was conducted to identify the most important interest factors underlying the 307 items and to develop base scales corresponding to the interest factors. This approach led to identification of readily interpretable interest factors similar in meaning and occupational coverage for men and women and broad enough to include the range of occupations in the economy. These interest factors will form the basis for the new interest inventory.