WHEN the living organism comes into either external or internal contact with a foreign substance a variety of alterations may ensue. One of these is a subtle change in the body's economy, which is not immediately manifest, so that on again meeting the substance the organism presents an altered reactivity to it. This altered reactivity is what is termed the allergic reaction, and when this state of altered reactivity has developed, the organism is said to be sensitized. There are, however, different possible varieties of sensitizations of which at least three appear to be distinct immunologic entities. These are: (1) the anaphylactic (of which I regard the atopic as a part), (2) the tuberculin or bacterial and (3) the eczematous variety. It is with this last variety that this paper deals. NATURE OF THE SUBSTANCES WHICH YIELD ECZEMATOUS SENSITIZATIONS In considering the nature of the substances which elicit eczematous sensitizations