Generalized transduction in the potato blackleg pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica by bacteriophage M1

Summary: Using enrichment methods, a new bacteriophage (M1) was isolated, which is capable of generalized transduction in Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca) strain SCRI1043. M1 is probably a virulent phage and contains double-stranded DNA of approximately 43 kb. Transduction frequencies for a number of chromosomal markers and plasmid pHCP2 were established, and conditions for transduction optimized. UV irradiation of the lysates prior to transduction enhanced the transduction frequency. M1 infected over 25% of Eca strains tested and so may be useful both for the genetic analysis of a number of Eca isolates and for the transductional transfer of selectable markers between strains.
Funding Information
  • BBSRC/CASE student with SCRI
  • Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department
  • BBSRC, UK (PO3960)
  • NERC, UK (GR3/8003)