Attitudes and Issues in Treating Latino Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Views of Healthcare Providers

The purpose of this study was to explore the concerns Of Latino patients with Type 2 diabetes. Focus groups were conducted with healthcare practitioners to chart their perceptions of the issues faced by their Latino patients. One group consisted of professionals working among Mexican American clients in an inner-city clinic; another group was held at an inner-city hospital serving mostly Puerto Rican Americans; and a third group involved providers practicing with more affluent, suburban Mexican Americans. Practitioners agreed that communication with patients was hindered by low reading levels, lack of proficiency in English, and an excessive respect for physicians. Emotional barriers to adequate treatment were often more important than financial concerns, even among low-income patients. Fear of insulin therapy was expressed in Hispanic communities, and folk remedies were commonly used. Because family needs were considered most important, adhering to a treatment regimen might be viewed as self-indulgent. Yet families provided valuable reinforcement and emotional support. Important questions facing Latinos with diabetes were effectively identified using focus groups of healthcare providers.