Mössbauer study of the hyperfine interaction ofAu197in gadolinium

The combined magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interaction of Au197 in Gd has been investigated by means of the Mössbauer effect. The system was prepared by alloying Gd with 0.5 at.% of Pt197 which decays to Au197. At 4 K a magnetic hyperfine field of |Hhf(GdAu)|=809±8 kG, and an electric field gradient of Vzz(GdAu)=+(14.4±0.7)×1017 V/cm2 was observed. The value of the magnetic field is consistent with the assumption that the field is mainly due to conduction-electron polarization. The electric field gradient has the same sign as the ionic lattice gradient but it is one order of magnitude larger.