The synthesis of 3-phosphonoalanine, phosphonopyruvic acid and phosphonolactic acid. Scission of the C-P bond during diazotization of phosphonoalanine

3-Phosphonoalanine has been made by the Strecker synthesis from phosphonoacetaldehyde, which is easily prepared from vinyl acetate. It gives phosphonopyruvate by transamination when treated with glyoxylate. Phosphonolactate, an analogue of phosphoglycerate, is prepared by reducing phosphonopyruvate. Diazotization of phosphonoalanine was investigated as a route for making phosphonolactate: addition of NaNO2 to the isoelectric form of phosphonoalanine gave much scission of the C-P bond with release of phosphate; addition of HBr prevented this release and gave largely the bromo acid. The supplement reports the synthesis of arsonolactate, a similar analogue, by treating chlorolactate with alkaline arsenite.