Unique anomalies in cephalothoracopagus Janiceps conjoined twins with implications for multiple mechanisms in the abnormal embryogenesis

The anatomic features of female conjoined twins with the Janiceps type of cephalothoracopagus are described. Abnormalities included bilateral clefts of the alveolar arches, shared rudimentary mandible, high, arched clavicles, multiple rib deformities, single shared foregut and small intestine, absent large intestines, omphalocele, multicystic kidneys, hypoplastic lungs, interconnected aortas and neck vessels, single ovary with elongated uterus in each twin, displaced labia, abnormal segmentation of the vertebrae, spinal dysraphism, diastasis of the symphysis pubis, malrotated lower extremity, bilateral posterior dislocation of the hips, and club feet. There were two hearts with internal anomalies. Both spinal cords had a myelocele in the lumbar region. The abnormalities noted in previous reports of conjoined twins of this type are reviewed and compared. We propose that factors associated with conjoining, dysgenetic (developmental) defects, and deformations resulting from crowding in utero all may have been important in the abnormal development in this case.