Anomalous High‐Temperature EPR Linewidths in the Spinel Solid Solution Cu2xCr2xSn2−2xS4

The spinel spin‐glasses Cu2xCr2xSb2−2xS4 are studied by electron paramagnetic resonance in the temperature range 4 to 560 K. The linewidths at high temperatures are much larger than expected from magnetic measurements, and for 0.25 ≦ x ≦ 0.50 the linewidths are effectively dipolar although the lineshape is Lorentzian. The experimental and estimated exchange‐narrowed line‐widths at high temperatures are then compared for ferromagnetic‐antiferromagnetic and predominantly antiferromagnetic insulating spin‐glasses in which the magnetic ions occupy face‐centered‐cubic lattice sites or B‐sites of the spinel structure.