The presence of structural surface waxes on coniferousneedles affects the pattern of dry deposition of fine particles

Monodisperse particles (particle diameter ≈0.5 μm) were produced by a particle generator and tagged witha fluorescent dye. The particles were injected into asmall wind tunnel, into which single needles or small branches of Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, and Abies alba had been introduced. The needles were examined after treatment, using fluorescence microscopy, and the spatial patterns of particle deposition determined. The particles deposited preferentially in the stomatal regions of the needles. In these areas the incidence of micro-roughness due to epicuticular waxes is highest, reducing the laminar boundary layer of the needle. Atmospheric particles of less than 1 /m diameter are mostly hygroscopic and the potential effect of substantial deposition of these particles to stomatal surroundings and their influence on plant water relations is discussed.