Assessment of isometric contractions performed with maximal subjective effort: corresponding results for EEG changes and force measurements.

In order to find a parameter or parameters that cart be attributed to movements performed with maximal subjective effort. EEG recordings and force measurements were taken in connection with isometric muscle contractions performed with 80% of the subjective maximal force (IMC80) or with maximal subjective effort (IMC100). Criteria based on EEG recordings and force measurements have been considered as indicators for maximal subjective effort in a given movement. The following criteria were selected: A. If the mean spectral theta amplitude across the parieto-occipital area decreases from IMC80 to IMC100 then the isometric contraction is taken to be performed with maximal effort: B. If the obtained force values can be fitted to a switch function and if the achieved forces are only a predetermined percentage lower than the maximal force value obtained over all trials then this isometric contraction is accepted to be performed with maximal effort. 18 out of 24 cases fulfill the EEG criterion whereas the criterion for force measurements is fullfilled in 16 out of 24 trials. The comparison between the results obtained by means of the EEG criterion and by means of criterion for force measurement shows that the results are in agreement in 22 out of 24 cases (p <. 001). The high correspondence of the assessments allows us to suspect that both criteria specify the same phenomenon, namely the performance of a motor task with maximal subjective effort.