Pharmacokinetic Analyses and Drug Plasma Level Simulation by Using a Personal Computer with Unequal Doses and Dosing Intervals(Pharmaceutical)

Patients hardly take drug(s) at equal doses and dosing intervals because medicines are usually taken in accordance with each meal. Pharmacokinetic analysis and plasma level simulations of drugs under conditions such as unequal doses and dosing intervals are important to examine clinically the effect and/or adverse effect during drug therapy. We developed a personal computer program, which was written in BASIC language, to calculate pharmacokinetic parameters with unequal doses and dosing intervals. Moreover, we propose new pharmacokinetic parameters which are the sum of periods lower than minimum effective concentration and higher than minimum toxic concentration within a definite period of plasma drug level simulation. These new parameters may be useful to evaluate the individual minimum effective (or toxic) concentration, therapeutic effect, and adverse effect of drugs, if we can get a correlation between these parameters and therapeutic drug effect or adverse effect.

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