The occurrence of carnosine, creatine and creatinine was investigated in the muscle extract of the river crab. The total extractive N was much higher than that of swine muscle extract. In the fraction similar to that of the mammalian carnosine fraction, however, there was only half as much N. The carnitin and anserin fraction was very small. The creatine and methyl-guanidin N was a high fraction of the total N. Glycocoll was present and a small purine fraction. No carnosine or creatinine was present, but a diamine-like substance which did not give creatinine, oxalmethylguanidine, or xanthine reactions was found. Interestingly, a substance identified as d-1 arginine was isolated. D-lactic acid was identified as the zinc salt. A free base of the formula C15H38O6N8, C8H18O3N4 or C8H18O3N4, or other variations, was isolated in a fraction too small to identify structurally.

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