Genetic mapping of the thymoma susceptible locus, Tsr1, in BUF/Mna rats.

BUF/Mna (BUF) rats have been reported to develop spontaneous thymomas in virtually 100% of animals ( 1 - 4 ). The thymomas in BUF rats have been defined as epithelial cell tumors, having varying proportions of lymphocytic components that are non-neoplastic in nature ( 5 , 6 ). These thymomas start to develop in rats at the age of 9 months and they reach their maximum growth by the time the animals are 18 months of age ( 7 ). It was found that thymoma development in this strain was regulated by an autosomal dominant gene, Tsr1 ( 8 ). However, the chromosomal location of the gene is not yet determined. The aim of this study is to determine the location of Tsr1, using microsatellite markers and backcross of rats between the thymoma-susceptible BUF strain and thymoma nonsusceptible ACI/NMs (ACI) strain.