Keto fatty acids not containing doubly allylic methylenes are lipoxygenase substrates

The soybean lipoxygenase I oxygenates the unusual substrate 12-keto-(9Z)-octadecenoic acid methyl ester as indicated by oxygen uptake and spectral changes of the incubation mixture. The main oxygenation products have been isolated by HPLC and identified as 9,12-diketo-(10E)-octadecenoic acid methyl ester and 12-keto-(10E)-dodecenoic acid methyl ester by UV and IR spectroscopy, cochromatography with an authentic standard, gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy, and 1H NMR. In the formation of both compounds the oxygenase and hydroperoxidase activities of the enzyme appear to be involved. These data and the earlier results on the oxygenation of furanoic fatty acids (Boyer et al., 1979) indicate that the lipoxygenase reaction is not restricted to substrates containing a 1,4-pentadiene structure.