[3+2] resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of I and Br formed from the infrared multiphoton decomposition of CF3I and CF3Br

Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) has been used to study the products of the infrared multiphoton decomposition (IRMPD) of CF3I in a very low‐pressure photolysis (VLPΦ) cell. The strongest REMPI signals are due to the ground state I(2P3/2) and the spin–orbit excited state I*(2P1/2). The origins of I and I* were determined from the time and IR laser fluence dependences of the REMPI signal. I* is formed by visible single photon dissociation of vibrationally excited CF3I and by visible multiphoton dissociation of I2 and thermal CF3I. The ionization efficiency of I has been determined relative to NH3 for our probe laser conditions, and the sticking coefficient of I with gold surfaces has been determined. The REMPI spectra of the products of the IRMPD of CF3Br is also presented.