Function of Growth Factors for Rumen Microorganisms I. Nutritional Characteristics of Selenomonas ruminantium

Nutritional characteristics of S. ruminantium var. lactilytica isolated from a sheep rumen were studied. The organism required for growth the addition of a clarified rumen fluid to a Tryptlcase-yeast extract medium with either lactate or glucose as an energy source. The requirement for rumen fluid was found to be satisfied by volatile fatty-acids in glucose media and by blotin in lactate media. Straight-chain saturated fatty-acids with C3 to C10 carbon skeleton had been found to be effective. Among them, n-valerate was most effective at the lowest concentration. An abnormal morphology was observed with n-valerate-deficient glucose media, n-valerate was essential in glucose media, and it was stimulatory in lactate media. Fermentation products from glucose were lactate, propionate, and acetate, and fermentation products from lactate were propionate and acetate. When cells were grown in a glucose medium containing n-valerate-C14, the label was present in cell fractions. Almost all of the activity was found in lipid materials.