Genetic targeting of the endoderm with claudin‐6CreER

A full description of the ontogeny of the β cell would guide efforts to generate β cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs). The first step requires an understanding of definitive endoderm: the genes and signals responsible for its specification, proliferation, and patterning. This report describes a global marker of definitive endoderm, Claudin‐6 (Cldn6). We report its expression in early development with particular attention to definitive endoderm derivatives. To create a genetic system to drive gene expression throughout the definitive endoderm with both spatial and temporal control, we target the endogenous locus with an inducible Cre recombinase (Cre‐ERT2) cassette. Cldn6 null mice are viable and fertile with no obvious phenotypic abnormalities. We also report a lineage analysis of the fate of Cldn6‐expressing embryonic cells, which is relevant to the development of the pancreas, lung, and liver. Developmental Dynamics 237:504–512, 2008.