Studies on 15 thriving infants, whose birth wts. were under 2250 g., on a diet of 120 cal. per kg. per day, showed avg. plasma CO2 content of 16.8 m. eq. per liter, and calculated organic acid contents averaging 17.8 m. eq. per liter. High blood values for organic acids were substantiated by an avg. urine pH of 5.27, with avg. excretion in urine of 2.6 m. eq. per kg. body wt. per day. Total base, chlorides, phosphates of plasma were normal. Detns. on 6 prematures with clinical symptoms of acidosis (hy-perpnea, etc.), showed total base, chlorides, phosphates of plasma to be normal. CO2 content varied from 9.0 to 16.0 m. eq. per liter plasma, organic acids varied from 11.6 to 28.0 m. eq. per liter. In none of the infants studied was evidence of the usual ketone bodies found. Differences between thriving and clinically acidotic prematures were slight. Base added to diet raises plasma CO2 level and pH of blood, but does not remarkably affect the blood content or excretion of organic acids.