We consider a system perturbed by an external field and subject to dissipative processes. From the von Neumann equation for such a system in the weak coupling limit we derive an inhomogeneous master equation, i.e., a master equation with dissipative terms and streaming terms, using Zwanzig’s projection operator technique in Liouville space. From this equation the response function, as well as expressions for the generalized conductivity and susceptibility, is obtained. It is shown that for large times only the diagonal part of the density operator is required. The various expressions are found to be in complete harmony with previous results (Part I) obtained via the van Hove limit of the Kubo–Green linear response formulas. In order to account for the properties at quantum frequencies, the evolution of the nondiagonal part in the weak coupling limit is also established. The complete time dependent behavior of the dynamic variables in the van Hove limit is expressed by B (t) =exp[−(ΛdiL0) t] B, where Λd is the master operator and L0 the Liouville operator in the interaction picture. The cause of irreversibility is discussed. Finally, the inhomogeneous master equation is employed to obtain as first moment equation a Boltzmann equation with streaming terms, applicable to quantum systems.