Peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy: A review of 67 cases

Peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy is the commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Sixty-seven patients with peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy who presented to general surgeons and underwent lymph node biopsy between 1979 and 1989 are reviewed. Fifty-four patients (81 per cent) were of Indian subcontinent ethnic origin and 13 (19 per cent) were of white ethnic origin. The sites most commonly afected were the cervical lymph nodes. Biopsy specimens obtained by open operation were sent for microbiological examination in all but 13 cases, of whom seven were patients of white ethnic origin. Tuberculous lymphadenopathy remains an important differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy and it is essential that peripheral lymph node biopsies are examined both histologically and microbiologically.