Diffractive production of vector mesons in muon-proton scattering at 150 and 100 GeV

We have studied the production of ρ and φ mesons from muon scattering on a liquidhydrogen target at 150 and 100 GeV. For the ρ we observe a skewed mass distribution which becomes somewhat more normal with increasing Q2 (the square of the four-momentum transferred from the muon), and an exponential distribution in t (the square of the four-momentum transferred to the target proton) with a slope which is consistent with a slight decrease as Q2 increases. The dependence of the cross section on Q2 follows that of the square of the ρ propagator with little contribution from longitudinal ρ production. The angular distribution of the ρ decay confirms the smallness of the contribution from longitudinal ρ production at our energies. The cross section when extrapolated to Q2=0 agrees with that measured in real photoproduction. The decay angular distribution of the ρ decay shows that s-channel helicity is largely conserved, although we detect a helicity-single-flip contribution at the 10-15% level. Natural-parity exchange in the t channel dominates, and the transverse and longitudinal amplitudes are found to be in phase. These characteristics are consistent with the diffractive nature of the vectordominance model. The t distribution of φ production is also exponential, although less steep than that for the ρ. We observe an elastically produced four-pion state at a mass of approximately 1600 MeV. We identify this state with the ρ(1600), and find it to be produced with a distribution exponential in t.