Analysis of triazines by capillary electrochromatography/electrospray ionization‐mass spectrometry using a low‐flow sheath liquid interface

CEC‐MS has been used for the analysis of eight‐triazine herbicides. It showed significantly better S/N ratio than reversed EOF CE‐MS and MEKC‐MS, due to the lack of a surfactant in the separation buffer. By optimizing the pH, the organic content of the running buffer, and the separation potential, optimal separation was achieved within 18 min using a running buffer of pH 7.0, containing 70% v/v ACN, and an applied voltage of 17 kV. Gradient CEC showed superior separation when compared with isocratic elution. The combination of a tapered CEC column and a low‐flow interface confers several advantages including better sensitivity, low dead volume, and independent control of the conditions used for CEC separation and ESI analysis.

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