Soft Acoustic Modes in the Two-Dimensional Spin SystemSrCu2(BO3)2

SrCu2(BO3)2 is a two-dimensional dimerized quantum spin system which is close to a quantum critical point. The sound velocity for the longitudinal and transverse acoustic modes shows strong spin-lattice effects. The shear c66 mode exhibits a pronounced softening of 4.5% as a function of temperature and softens more than 25% in fields up to 50 T. This huge effect occurs in the vicinity of the magnetization plateaus m/m0=1/4 and 1/3. We can analyze quantitatively the temperature dependence of all measured elastic modes c11, c44, and c66 with an exchange striction mechanism. The soft c66 mode with B2g symmetry enables us to predict the possible symmetry of the condensed triplets in some plateaus.