Phase relations in the above join were studied through the system Na 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -CO 2 -H 2 O at 1 kb. Phases encountered were albite, cancrinite, sodium carbonate, a silica-rich liquid, an Na 2 CO 3 -rich liquid, and vapor. Albite is the main silicate phase at low water contents while cancrinite is the main silicate phase at high water contents. Three fluid phases coexist: (1) an undersaturated alkaline silicate liquid, (2) an alkaline carbonate liquid with a small amount of dissolved silicate, and (3) a vapor phase with a composition varying between H 2 O and CO 2 and containing Na 2 O and SiO 2 in solution. These fluid phases are compared with nepheline or ijolite magmas, carbonatite melts, and fenitizing solutions, respectively.