Long‐term follow‐up of patients with uterine fibroids after treatment with the LHRH agonist buserelin

Ten patients with uterine fibroids palpable abdominally were treated with the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist buserelin, administered intranasally, 300 .mu.g three times daily, for 6 months, and were then followed for a further 12 months. Oestrogen levels were markedly reduced in all patients during treatment. At the end of treatment the mean volume reductions were 44.4% (SEM 3.5) for total uterine volume and 57.3% (SEM 7.4) for volume of discrete fibroids as assessed ultrasonically. There was also marked improvement in associated symptoms. After buserelin therapy was stopped, the total uterine and discrete fibroid volumes returned to, or slightly exceeded, pretreatment volumes within 6 months in five patients, and by 12 months in two patients. Three other patients who underwent surgery for their fibroids during the first 4 months after treatment showed regrowth of fibroids to pretreatment size. Four comparable asymptomatic untreated patients showed no significant change in the total uterine or fibroid volume during six monthly ultrasonic assessments. Buserelin therapy may facilitate rather than replace surgery in the management of uterine fibroids.