It has been substantiated that vascular phenomena are important in the pathogenesis of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.1-3 Impairment of pancreatic blood has been stressed as an important event in the progression of edematous to hemorrhagic pancreatitis; and there is evidence that the extent and the severity of the disease and, in particular, the progression to hemorrhagic necrosis is determined by the development of stasis or thrombosis within the pancreatic microcirculation.3 It has been suggested that impairment of local blood flow in the gland retards the absorption of proteolytic enzymes into the circulation, thereby increasing the susceptibility of the pancreas to further injury by enzymes and toxic products retained in the gland.1 Attempts to modify the course of this disease have seldom taken these factors into account; and it is postulated that if a satisfactory blood flow could be maintained, enzymes and their digestive products would continue to be