Penicillin Therapy in Sulfonamide-Resistant Gonorrhea in Men

A schedule of treatment, which consists of 6 intramusc. injns. of 20,000 units of penicillin administered at 3-hr. intervals over a period of 15 hrs., was found to be satisfactory in the management of gonorrhea in men. From the results obtained by the treatment of patients at different dose levels it seems that one optimal treatment routine will call for 120,000 units of penicillin administered over a 15-hr. period. The minimal amt. of drug which is effective has not as yet been detd., but its importance because of the limited supply, cost, and usefulness of the drug in more serious infections, is obvious. There was no apparent difference in the response of gonor-rheal injns. of penicillin by the untreated patients and those who had failed to respond to sulfonamides.

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