Spring movements of Willow Warblers ringed in the British Isles

Spring movements of Willow Warblers through Britain and Europe were analysed using 317 recoveries of birds ringed in Britain and 17 abroad obtained from the British Trust for Ornithology. Timing, speed and direction of migration were investigated and site fidelity also examined. Abroad, most birds were recovered in Morocco/Southern Spain; North‐East Spain/Central France and Northern France/Channel Islands, noticeably fewer occurring in Central and Western Iberia. The recovery patterns implied northward movement of males through Europe before females. The return rate of birds to the vicinity of ringing sites was high and the few south‐east to south‐west movements recorded may have been due to off‐course birds making adjustments to reach home areas. Most migrants were recorded abroad over the period 21 March to 30 April. Earliest arrivals in Britain were from the end of March (Southern England) to early May (Scotland) but 85% of the records fell into the period 11 April to 20 May. Speed of movement through Europe and Britain was generally faster than that for autumn migration of British Willow Warblers.