Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a highly prevalent gastrointestinal disorder and has a complex pathophysiology. Impaired fundic relaxation in response to a meal is present in 40% of patients with FD. This review focuses on impaired gastric accommodation of the stomach as a pathophysiological mechanism and the possible therapeutic targets that can be derived from the current knowledge of the neuroregulation of the accommodation reflex. First the different means of gastric accommodation assessment are described and the relationship between symptoms and impaired gastric accommodation. The different therapeutic options are subsequently discussed in view of their molecular target, based on the different receptor subtypes involved in the accommodation reflex. Although impaired gastric accommodation is highly prevalent in dyspeptic patients and basic knowledge about the accommodation reflex enables to develop pathophysiologically targeted therapies, it is unlikely that therapies aimed at dysaccommodation of the stomach will lead to symptom relief in all dyspeptic patients. A major challenge is the development of methods that readily identify impaired accommodation in clinical practice.