ISCOM of BHV‐1 Envelope Glycoproteins Protected Calves Against Both Disease and Infection

A subunit vaccine in the form of immunostimulating complex (iscom) was prepared to contain the envelope glycoproteins of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1). This iscom preparation was tested in a vaccination experiment on 4-month-old calves seronegative to BHV-1. In this experiment, four groups with three animals per group were used. Two groups were vaccinated with the iscom preparation twice, four weeks apart, one group with 50 μg and the other with 100 μg per calf. The third group received a commercial inactivated whole-virus vaccine applying the same vaccination program. The fourth group served as control. Two weeks after the second vaccination, all the animals were challenge-infected intranasally with a virulent BHV-1 strain and four days later with a virulent Pasteurella multocida - this in order to mimic hard field conditions. When exposed to challenge infection, all the animals vaccinated with the iscom were fully protected, i. e., no virus could be recovered from their nasal secretions and no clincial symptoms were recorded. In contrast, the animals vaccinated with the commercial vaccine, responded to challenge with moderate fever and loss of appetite, and virus was isolated from the nasal secretions. The animals in the control group developed severe clinical symptoms. In the sera of iscom-vaccinated animals, the virus neutralization titers reached levels of 1/3500 or higher.