Proton decay and realistic models of quark and lepton masses

It is shown that in realistic SUSY GUT models of quark and lepton masses both the proton decay rate and branching ratios differ in general from those predicted in the minimal $SU(5)$ supersymmetric model. The observation of proton decay, and in particular the branching ratio $B[(p \rightarrow \pi^+ \overline{\nu})/(p \rightarrow K^+ \overline{\nu})]$, would thus allow decisive tests of these fermion mass schemes. It is shown that the charged lepton decay modes $p \rightarrow K^0 \mu^+, p \rightarrow K^0 e^+$ arising through gluino dressing diagrams are significant and comparable to the neutrino modes in large tan$\beta$ models. Moreover, it is found that in certain classes of models the Higgsino-mediated proton decay amplitudes are proportional to a model-dependent group-theoretical factor which in some cases can be quite small. The most interesting such class consists of $SO(10)$ models in which the dominant flavor-symmetric contribution to the up-quark mass matrix comes from an effective operator of the form ${\bf 16}_i{\bf 16}_j {\bf 10}_H {\bf 45}_H$, where $\langle {\bf 45}_H \rangle$ points approximately in the $I_{3R}$ direction. This class includes a recent model of quark and lepton masses proposed by the authors.

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