Review and criticism

The road most traveled: Yet another cultivation critique Sydney W. Head. World broadcasting systems: A comparative analysis. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1985. 457 pp. $31.25 (cloth) Ronald J. Compesi & Ronald E. Sherriffs. Small format television production. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1985. 465 pp. $28.00 (cloth) Herbert Zettl. Television production handbook (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1984. 614 pp. $32.50 (cloth) Harry Mathias & Richard Patterson. Electronic cinematography: Achieving photographic control over the video image. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1985. 251 pp. $24.00 (cloth) W. Brooke Tunstall. Disconnecting parties: Managing the Bell System breakup: An inside view. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1985. 226 pp. $17.95 (cloth) Kim Hays (Ed.). TV, science, & kids: Teaching our children to question. Reading, MA: Addison‐Wesley, 1984. 210 pp. $17.95 (cloth)