It is shown that every one-dimensional quantum mechanical Hamiltonian H1 can have a partner H2 such that H1 and H2 taken together may be viewed as the components of a supersymmetric Hamiltonian. The term 'supersymmetric Hamiltonian' is taken to mean a Hamiltonian defined in terms of charges that obey the same algebra as that of the generators of supersymmetry in field theory. The consequences of this symmetry for the spectra of H1 and H2 are explored. It is shown how the supersymmetric pairing may be utilised to eliminate the ground state of H1, or add a state below the ground state of H1 or maintain the spectrum of H1. It is also explicitly demonstrated that the supersymmetric pairing may be used to generate a class of anharmonic potentials with exactly specified spectra. The complete spectrum of an anharmonic potential so generated consists of all the eigenstates of the simple harmonic oscillator and, in addition, a ground state at a specified energy E which lies arbitrarily below the E=1/2 ground state of the harmonic oscillator.