Quasi-fission reactions induced by 365 Mev 63Cu ions on a 197Au target

Quasi-fission and complete fusion cross sections have been measured for the system 63Cu + 197 Au at a bombarding energy equal to 1.1 times the interaction barrier. Like the krypton case, very few complete fusion events are observed, and the quasi-fission cross section (250 ± 50 mb) is one half of the reaction cross section. A more precise determination of the mass of one of the products has been performed. The mass distribution of the quasi-fission products varies with the angle of detection. The light products (mass around that of copper) show a clear maximum at an angle slightly lower than the grazing angle. The results suggest that events found at the low angles correspond to projectiles with low l-values which have undergone a greater mass exchange than the high l-value projectiles. The total kinetic energy is constant as a function of the angle, or slightly increasing at forward angles