I ACCEPT the Mead Johnson Award for 1951 with gratitude tempered with the sense of the future obligation that your choice imposes. The preparation of a presentation such as this accentuates the realization of how many of one's own thoughts are but those of others phrased in the terms of individual experience. The present award must be considered as given to many. Dr. James L. Gamble has pointed to the problems and, by his presence and work in the laboratory, provided the stimulus and guidance for pursuing the work to be discussed. Dr. Charles A. Janeway has carried the difficult and unseen and, so often, unthanked burden of seeking and providing the means for carrying on the work and, by his wide field of interest and knowledge, suggested many of the ideas pursued. To my contemporaries in the laboratory, Dr. Jack Metcoff, Dr. Leonard Eliel, Dr. Malcolm Holliday, Dr. Robert Schwartz, Dr. Ernest Cotlove, Dr. William Schwartz, Drs. George and Nancy Nichols and Dr. William Bergstrom must go the credit for the great bulk of the work done. Any credit that may accrue must also be shared with those who did so much of the analytic and secretarial work and provided the nursing care in the clinical studies. Work of the type to be discussed requires substantial financial support and appreciation must be expressed to the Mead Johnson Company, the United States Public Health Service and the Grant Foundation for supplementing the liberal opportunities for research at the Children's Medical Center. It is the purpose of this paper to consider some concepts of the electrolyte composition, physiology and pathology of the intracellular fluid and to inquire into their application to clinical problems.