Intraocular microsurgery with a picosecond Nd:YAG laser

We investigated the use of picosecond Nd:YAG laser pulses for intraocular microsurgery. With a pulse duration of 100 picoseconds, only 70 μJ of pulse energy is required to consistently produce optical breakdown in the deep vitreous. This pulse energy is nearly two orders of magnitude less than the typical pulse energies used in conventional (nanosecond) photodisruptors. The reduced pulse energy results in a smaller zone of tissue damage, an important consideration when operating close to the retina or other sensitive ocular structures. Efficient cutting action is achieved by applying multiple pulses at a moderately high repetition rate of 50–200 Hz. An in vitro model was developed to assess axial confinement of picosecond photodisruption. In vivo vitreous membrane surgery was performed in experimental rabbit eyes to demonstrate a potential clinical application of picosecond laser—induced optical breakdown.