Eyseneck Personality Inventory Item Factor Structure

The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) was administered to a sample of 583 Australians. Responses to the 57 items were intercorrelated and factor analyzed by three different methods: (a) extract two principal factors and rotate them by varimax; (b) extract as many factors as possible by the minimum residual method, determine the correct number of factors using the Tandem Criteria method and then rotate that number of factors by the Tandem Criterion I method; (c) using ones in the diagonals, extract all factors with positive eigen values and rotate these factors by varimax. All three methods obtained major Neuroticism and Extraversion factors but the third method gave the poorest confirmation of the expected factor structure for these items. Of the remaining two methods, the second is preferred for testing the expected underlying factor structure for these items since it permits items to remain on the same factor only if they are correlated with each other and it reveals what other constructs may be requi...

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