A New Patient Weighted Symptom Score System (DAN-PSS-1)

A patient weighted symptom score system, the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS-1), including a disease specific self administered quality of life questionnaire, is presented. The model was evaluated pre- and postoperatively in 29 patients apparently suffering from uncomplicated benign prostatic hyperplasia. The score system is based on the severity of 12 symptoms related to bladder storage and voiding function, and three questions related to sexual function (symptom score). For each of these parameters the patient must also evaluate its influence on his daily life (bother score). In the 29 patients with uncomplicated benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) bother scores exceeded symptom scores for the irritative symptoms but not for the obstructive symptoms, and surprisingly the symptom score was less improved than the bother score 6 months after transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P). Furthermore the postvoiding dribble was worsened after the operation. We find that this model, DAN-PSS-1, assists in creating a solid base for the indication for and the evaluation of treatment of uncomplicated BPH.