AMOS 3.1. Originally distributed by James Arbuckle, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. $50.' Requirements for AMOS 3.1 for Windows: IBM PC‐compatible computer, MS‐DOS 3.1 or later, 512K free memory, 386 or 486, Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later. EQS/Windows 4.0. BMDP Statistical Software, Inc., Suite 316, 1440 Sepulveda Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (800) 238‐BMDP, (310) 479–7799. (In Europe, EQS/Windows 4.0 is available from ProGamma, P.O.B. 841, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands, +31–50–636900.) Prices vary. Upgrades and academic pricing available. Requirements: 386 or better, 2.5MG hard disk space, 4MB RAM, math coprocessor, Microsoft Windows 3.1. LISREL for Windows 8.01. Scientific Software International, Suite 906, 1525 East 53rd Street, Chicago, IL 60615–4530. (In Europe, LISREL for Windows 8.01 is available from ProGamma, P.O.B. 841, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands, +31–50–636900.) DOS/DOS Extender versions, $495; all three versions, $575; upgrades from LISREL 7, $195; all three versions, $245. Requirements: 2MB RAM (4MB recommended), 3.6MB hard disk space, Microsoft Windows 3.1.