Glucagon radioimmunoassay with use of antiserum to glucagon C-terminal fragment.

In this pancreatic-glucagon-specific radioimmunoassay we used C-terminal-region-specific antiserum. OAL-123, produced against a 19-29 C-terminal fragment of porcine glucagon. On measurement of pooled plasma the ranges for intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 4.8-8.1% and 7.5-10.7%, respectively. The concentration of immunoreactive glucagon in plasma of healthy subjects, as measured with the OAL-123 assay system, was 87.9 (SD 23.8) ng/L. Measurement of the same plasma samples with the 30K assay system (30K being an antiserum highly specific for pancreatic glucagon) showed a comparable value, 86.2 (SD 26.3) ng/L. We followed changes in human and dog plasma immunoreactive glucagon concentrations on arginine infusion and after glucose load, using the OAL-123 and the 30K assay systems, with identical results. Combining other results of comparative immunochemical characterization of the OAL-123 and 30K assay systems, we confirmed that the antisera raised against the C-terminal fragment of glucagon can be used in radioimmunoassay of pancreatic glucagon.