Outcome of the abduction external rotation test among manual and office workers

Reactions during the Abduction External Rotation (AER) test were studied among 71 platers and 70 assemblers exposed to vibratory tools and manual work and 45 unexposed white collar workers. The frequency of positive neurological reactions was 31% among the platers, 6% among the assemblers, and 16% among the white collar workers. Platers reported the highest fatigue rates in the shoulder regions during the test. A positive association was noted between a pathological AER test and current problems in the neck/scapula or shoulder/upper arm regions, day‐ or night‐time numbness in the hands, tension neck, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Age, length of daily vibration exposure, and vibration acceleration level were also positively associated with a positive AER test outcome. The results indicate that the outcome of the AER test is sensitive to neck and shoulder disorders but also, to some extent, to the carpal tunnel syndrome.