Muon Spin Relaxation and Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements in the Haldane System (Y2xCax)Ba(Ni1yMgy)O5

We have performed dc magnetic susceptibility (χ) and muon spin relaxation (μSR) measurements of the Haldane system (Y2xCax)Ba(Ni1yMgy)O5, in which the chain length is controlled by Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ doping. In the nominally pure system (x=y=0), we confirmed the absence of static magnetic order down to 100 mK. Similarly, the Mg doped systems ( y=1.7% and 4.1%) stay paramagnetic down to 50 mK. In the Ca doped systems ( x=9.5% and 14.9%), the doping-induced unpaired moments exhibit a spin-glass-like cusp in χ, but μSR has revealed spin fluctuations persisting at 50 mK, suggesting an unconventional ground state.