Enhancement of Anti-Cancer Activity of Cisdiaminedichloroplatinum by the Protein-Bound Polysaccharide ofCoriolus VersicolorQUEL (PS-K)in vitro

The protein-bound polysaccharide of Coriolus versicolor QUEL (PS_K) expresses Superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimicking activity. Examination was made of the effects of PS-K on cancer cell lines following administration of the anti-cancer drug cisdiaminedichloroplatinum (cisplatin). Cell proliferation of each cell line was inhibited markedly by cisplatin from 0.5 to 5 μg/0.5 ml per well. Fifty percent of the inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 0.33 μg/0.5 mlper well in NRK-49F and human ovarian cancer cells, and 1.5 μg/0.5 mlper well in H4-II-E. PS-K 50 μg/0.5 ml per well prevented cytotoxicity due to cisplatin toward NRK-49F, but enhanced the cytotoxicity on H4-II-E and human ovarian cancer cells. Increase in lipid peroxide and decrease in SOD activity were observed following an IC50 dose of cisplatin. With PS-K 50 μg/0.5 ml per well, all the above were augmented in H4-II-E and ovarian cancer cells, but diminished in NRK-49F cell line. PS-K may have effect on cancer patients through its combining with cisplatin.