Inducible microRNA expression by an all-in-one episomal vector system

Here we describe an episomal, one-vector system which allows the generation of cell populations displaying homogenous, inducible gene inactivation by RNA interference in a one step procedure. A dual tet-repressor/activator system tightly controls a bi-directional promoter, which simultaneously drives expression of microRNAs and a fluorescent marker protein. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this vector by knockdown of p53 expression in a human cell line which resulted in the expected loss of G1-arrest after DNA damage. The generation of a cell pool homogenously expressing the ectopic microRNAs was achieved in 1 week without the need for viral infections. Induction of microRNA expression did not elicit an interferon response. Furthermore, the vector was adapted for convenient ligation-free transfer of microRNA cassettes from public libraries. This conditional knockdown-system should prove useful for many research and gene therapeutic applications.