Plant regeneration from in vitro culture of anthers of Solanum chacoense Bitt. and interspecific diploid hybrids S. tuberosum L. x S. chacoense Bitt.

Summary Production of plants from cultured anthers of Solanum chacoense clone IP 33, of its interspecific diploid hybrids with S. tuberosum clones IP 354 and IP 372, and of a complex Solanum hybrid containing in its genome S. ajanhuiri is reported. Genotypic differences were found to influence both the induction phase and the regeneration process. Hybrids derived from clone IP 354 of S. tuberosum were much more responsive in culture than hybrids from clone IP 372. Altogether, 507 plants were regenerated and 309 were cytologically analyzed. Of these, 52% were haploid, 47% diploid and 1% mixoploid or tetraploid. A number of diploid plants probably originated from unreduced microspores and some genetic consequences of this event are discussed.